Real-time market insights for super, life and advice.

Rapidly evaluate industry performance, identify trends, and benchmark your competitors – without the complex spreadsheets or clunky PDF reports.

Create a free account today. No credit card required.
Screenshot of the Market Maven platform on superannuation
Screenshot of Market Maven Q&A on superannuation benefits
The ultimate tool for 
executive leadership
strategy and finance
product and pricing
sales and marketing
risk management
executive leadership
strategy and finance
product and pricing
sales and marketing
risk management
executive leadership
strategy and finance
product and pricing
sales and marketing
risk management
executive leadership
strategy and finance
product and pricing
sales and marketing
risk management
Complete coverage

Access expert insights for your industry

Modern organisations need to better leverage market data to generate value, stay competitive, and make better business decisions.

We provide the advanced tools and insights you need to stay ahead of the curve and navigate the market landscape with confidence.

more insight, less effort

Analyse the market in minutes

Harness the power of the latest analytical tools to explore expansive sets of market data with new levels of precision and depth.

Automate and expand your market insights

Easily explore millions of market data points to make better, more informed decisions. Stay on top of growth trends, channel dynamics, competitor activity, product updates, and more.

Tap into advanced analytics and AI

Advanced analytical capabilities and artificial intelligence allow you to dig deeper into a much broader set of market data, separating signal from noise to discover opportunities for growth.

Gain a competitive edge

Outsmart the competition with a platform that automatically gathers, organises, and amplifies market data. Gain a deep understanding of your competitors' strategies and stay ahead by knowing their channel participation, positioning, performance, and go-to-market approach.

Screenshot of Market Maven chart on life insurer market share
Screenshot of Market Maven chart on fund type assets
Fully Customisable

Uncover actionable insights in an intuitive, online platform

Say goodbye to the complex spreadsheet models, outdated presentations, and clunky PDF reports.

Our customisable platform lets you investigate the market and competitive positioning like never before.

Increase your efficiency

By reimagining the process of data collection and analysis, Market Maven greatly reduces the time and resources required to gain valuable insights.

Better manage your risk

Manual research is not only time-consuming, it’s also risky. With our strong data governance and direct regulatory data feeds, you can have confidence in market insights and analysis, reducing your reliance on outdated data and complex spreadsheet models.

Trusted Data

Make the right decisions with greater speed and confidence

Get data fed straight from trusted regulatory bodies for the most accurate, up-to-date information.

Daily data feeds and a real-time analytics engine keep you abreast of the latest trends and developments, allowing you to make business decisions quickly and effectively, and maximising your confidence in strategic moves.

RBA Logo
ABS Logo
Screenshot of Market Maven chart on adviser movements

The next-generation of market intelligence


Manually collect, sort and analyse market data

Screenshot of traditional market analysis tools
Slows decision-making. Delay in analysing new data. 
Prone to error. Complex and manual nature.
Promotes risky decisions. Reliance on outdated models.
Lacks transparency. Obscures analysis and data integrity.
Clunky, outdated tools. No customisation or context.
Poor integration. Stuck manually copying from a PDF.
Specialised access. Hard to interpret and leverage.
High cost, low efficiency. Manual calcs and consultants.

Let Market Maven analyse your market in minutes

Screenshot of the market maven platform
Instant insights. Real-time, interactive dynamic visuals.
Enhanced accuracy. Automation removes errors.
Make decisions with confidence. Always up to date.
Built-in transparency. Visibility into data analysis.
Modern, intuitive tools. Customisable and easy to use.
Seamless integration. Export insights to share anywhere.
Universal and accessible. Ask questions in plain English.
Cost-effective. Streamline and expand your insights.
Ready to level-up your market intelligence?

Transform your market insights

Real-time, dynamic visuals

Our dynamic and responsive visuals react to your interactions in real-time. Whether you want to highlight related data points, filter other visuals based on selections, or reveal hidden insights by drilling down, our interactive visuals transform data into a limitless, explorative playground.

Screenshot of Market Maven chart on adviser number

Customisable reports

Simplify decision-making with tailored reports highlighting the insights that matter most. View monthly, quarterly, and yearly perspectives to identify meaningful trends, and dive deep into specific sub-segments to help every business area understand what's going on.

Screenshot of Market Maven chart on super member count
Screenshot of Market Maven data selection
Screenshot of Market Maven filter

AI Q&A with natural language

Our AI Q&A functionality is a powerful tool that allows you to explore market data and get insights using natural language. This makes it easy to get the information you need quickly and tailored to your needs.

  • Natural language processing (NLP): Our Q&A uses NLP to understand the meaning of your questions, even if they are complex or ambiguous. This means that you can ask questions in your own words, without having to learn any special data language.
  • Autocomplete and suggestions: As you type your question, our Q&A provides autocomplete and suggestions to help you refine your question and get the best results.
  • Interactive results: The results of your questions are automatically displayed in interactive visuals, such as charts and graphs, making it easy to see patterns and trends in market data.
Screenshot of Market Maven Q&A on lapse

Easy sharing and data exporting to Excel

Quickly and easily share curated insights to make great business decisions, backed by data and evidence.

Export your market analysis to Excel for deeper analysis and easy integration into corporate presentations and reports.

Screenshot of excel export from Market Maven

Advanced analytics

Access the latest advanced analytical technologies that can make sense of complex market data, identify patterns hidden away in millions of rows of data, and predict future trends.

Focus on the most actionable information, distilled from complex data structures, and stay attuned to market trends through real-time insight and historical analysis.

These tools can give you a competitive advantage by helping you to identify new opportunities and threats before your competitors do.

Data integrity and integration

Generate insights on key market metrics, with data sourced from reliable government institutions.

Explore integrated data from disparate sources to provide a comprehensive view of the market and competitive positioning.

Screenshot of Market Maven chart on lapse

Frequently asked questions

Need help with something? Here are our most frequently asked questions.

What is Market Maven?

Market Maven is a next-generation market intelligence platform for superannuation, life insurance and financial advice.

Market Maven brings together an expansive set of market insights to help you better understand industry dynamics, identify trends, and benchmark your performance against peers.

Leveraging advanced analytics, our platform allows you to explore the market landscape in real-time, turn questions into answers using AI-driven Q&A, and find the insights that matter most to you with our interactive, customisable reports.

It significantly streamlines market analysis to save your team time, offering a cost-effective solution by consolidating essential insights into an easy-to-use online platform, while also providing trusted data to reduce risks and inform strategic decision-making.

How can Market Maven benefit my business?

Our platform helps you automate and expand your market intelligence, providing accurate and actionable insights that guide better decision-making. With advanced analytics, real-time insights, and customisable reports, you can uncover new market opportunities and gain a competitive edge.

What markets does Market Maven cover?

We currently cover three major sectors in the Australian financial services industry: Superannuation, Life Insurance, and Financial Advice. More market sectors are coming soon.

How up-to-date is the data on Market Maven?

Market Maven is committed to providing the most accurate, up-to-date information. We source our data from trusted regulatory bodies and have direct data feeds that update multiple times per day. This ensures our platform includes the latest market data available, which is then fed into our real-time analytics engine to keep you abreast of the latest trends and developments.

How does the pricing work?

Our pricing is based on the number of markets you wish to cover. We offer a free account that gives you access to a few sample reports to familiarise yourself with the platform. For comprehensive access, we provide paid plans that can be tailored to your specific needs. You can find more detailed information on our pricing page.

What kind of customer support do you offer?

We provide a comprehensive support system to ensure a smooth user experience. Our support team is available to assist with any questions or issues you may have, and you can reach them via our contact page or through our dedicated support area of our platform.

Do you provide consulting services?

In addition to our online platform, we offer bespoke consulting services in market intelligence and data analysis. We can deep-dive into the specifics of your market, provide visually appealing, easy-to-understand insights, and guide you through strategic decisions backed by data.

How secure is my data with Market Maven?

At Market Maven, we take data security seriously. Our platform is built using enterprise-grade infrastructure from the likes of Microsoft and Webflow, and we have implemented robust data governance measures. We do not collect organisational or personal data, and instead rely on our direct data feeds from trusted regulatory sources to drive insights. This reduces the need for organisations to share commercial data with us, instead leveraging the existing data that is provided to the regulators and market participants for market intelligence.

Get a demo or create an account today

Ready to experience the next generation of market intelligence? Contact us today for a free demo or to learn more about how Market Maven can transform your strategic decision-making.

Screenshot of Market Maven dashboard on life insurance Q&A